District 9 Bibliography

IDOT Archaeological Bibliography

District 9 mapDistrict 9


COUNTIES: Perry, Franklin, Saline, Gallatin, Hardin, Pope, Johnson, Massac, Pulaski, Alexander, Jackson, Williamson.


Berres, Thomas E.
1983  Archaeological Investigations at the Tippy site (11-Py-178), Perry County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1985  Archaeological Investigations at the Mary McNeil Site (11-J-794) Jackson County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1985  Archaeological Investigations at the Komondor Site (11-J-79), Jackson County, Illinois. Research Reports 21, Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Brieschke, Walter L.
1971  Report on Salvage Work Undertaken at the J.W. Quint #1 and #2 Sites on FAI 24, Massac County, Illinois. Archaeological Salvage Report 33, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

Butler, Brian M.
1998  The Old Runway Site (11-J-1009), A Late Woodland Settlement on the Big Muddy River. Technical Report 1998-2, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Calentine, Leighann and Mary L. Simon 
2006  Middle Woodland Plants and Pottery in the Uplands of Western Illinois.Illinois Archaeology 18:30–50. 

Cobb, Charles R., and Richard W. Jefferies
1983  Archaeological Investigations at the Milar Site, Alexander County, Illinois.Research Paper 40, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Foster, Jill
1982  Report of Archaeological Reconnaissance and Preliminary Testing of 11-Ax-27, the Karl Milar Site, Alexander County, Illinois. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Fowler, Melvin L.
1960  Report of Phase 2 Preliminary Examination of the Dalton Site on FAI 57 in Pulaski County, Illinois. Archaeological Salvage Report 6, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

1960  Archaeological Salvage at the Aida Site (24B4-32) on FAI Route 57 in Union County, Illinois. Archaeological Salvage Report 3, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

Fugle, Eugene
1962  Report of Phase 2 Archaeological Salvage Excavation at the Hansford Site (25A1-3) on FAI 57 in Williamson County, Illinois. Archaeological Salvage Report 10, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

Gillihan, James E.
1960  Excavation of the Duran Rock Shelter, Union County, Illinois. Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

Hargrave, Michael L., Charles R. McGimsey, and Neal H. Lopinot
1991  Archaeological Investigations at the Southern Illinois Airport, Jackson County, Illinois. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Harris, Wendy G., Brian M. Butler, and Michael L. Hargrave
1994  Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Realignment of State Route 13 in Williamson and Saline Counties, Illinois. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Hutto, M. Denise
1981  Archaeological Testing of the Pyramid Park Site, Wm-110, Williamson County, Illinois FAU-9632. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Kovacik, Joseph
1991  Microartifacts from the Plowzone: A Middle Woodland Application in Southern Illinois. Master's thesis, Department of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Kuttruff, L. Carl
1970  Report on Preliminary Site Examination Undertaken at the Havick (Pu-86) and Narrow Bridge (Pu-84) Sites on FAI 57, Pulaski County, Illinois.Archaeological Salvage Report 31, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

1970  Report on Preliminary Site Examination Undertaken at the Highwater Site (Mx-69) on FAI 24, Massac County, Illinois. Archaeological Salvage Report 32, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

Mazrim, Robert
2004  The Perrackson Site: A Short Term Territorial Period Site in Jackson County, Illinois. Submitted to Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

McNerney, Michael J.
1972  Report on Phase 2 Highway Salvage at the J.S. Crabb Site (Mx-60), FAI 24, Massac County, Illinois. Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

1974  Report of Phase 2 Highway Salvage Excavations the Clear Creek Mound (U-198), FA Route 51 (Illinois 146), Union County, Illinois. Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

Meinholz, Norman M.
1991  The Carl Swisher Site, Johnson County, Illinois. Research Report 27, Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Melbye, F. Jerome
1964  A Preliminary Report of Five Archaic Sites on the Cache River, FAI 57, Pulaski County, Illinois. Archaeological Salvage Report 17, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

1964  A Preliminary Report on the Trespass Site, FAI 57, Pulaski County, Illinois. Archaeological Salvage Report 20, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

Peters, Lynne A.
1980  Archaeological Testing for the Joppa Road Relocation, FAS 937, Massac County, Illinois. Research Paper 12, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Piesinger, Constance
1972  The Mansker Site: A Late Prehistoric Village in Southern Illinois. Master's Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Pulcher, Ronald E.
1976  Phase 2 Highway Salvage Archaeological Excavations at the Stallings Site (11-J-190), Illinois Route 3, Jackson County, Illinois. Archaeological Service Report 46, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

Santeford, Lawrence G.
1977  Archaeological Reconnaissance at the Saline River Along Illinois Route 1 in Gallatin County, Illinois. Archaeological Service Report 51, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

Wagner, Mark J., and Brian Butler
1999  Archaeological Investigations of Three Sites at the Southern Illinois Airport, Jackson County, Illinois. Technical Report 99-1, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Wagner, Mark, B. Myers, and Charles Swedlund
2000  The Power of Place and Rock Art in Southern Illinois: The Austin Hollow Rock Site. Illinois Archaeology 12.

Webb, Paul A.
1992  The Petitt Site (11-Ax-253), Alexander County, IllinoisResearch Paper 58, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Reviewed: James R. Boylan, American Antiquity 59(3); Thomas E. Emerson, Southeastern Archaeology 13(1).

Webb, Paul A., Michael L. Hargrave, and Dennis Blanton
1989  Archaeological Investigations in the Thebes Gap Vicinity, Alexander County, Illinois. Research Paper 55, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Winters, Howard D.
1959a  Illinois Division of Highways. The Carmen Site No. 1, 24D2-109. Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale. Archaeological Salvage Report No. 2.

1959b  Illinois Division of Highways. The Duran Rock Shelter, 24D2-137. Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale. Archaeological Salvage Report No. 1.

1960  The Duran Rock Shelter, 24D2-137, on FAI 57, Union County, Illinois. Archaeological Salvage Report 1, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

1960  The Carmen Site No. 1, 24D2-109, on FAI 57, Union County, Illinois. Archaeological Salvage Report 2, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

Wolf, David J.
1965  A Summary Report on the Robert and Roosevelt #1 Sites on FAI 57, Pulaski County, Illinois. Archaeological Salvage Report 24, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale.

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