IDOT Archaeological Bibliography
District 4
COUNTIES: Mercer, Henderson, Warren, Knox, Stark, Peoria, Fulton, McDonough, Tazewell.
Alvey, Richard L.
1993 The Seiwell Site: A Terminal Archaic Site in the Illinois Uplands. Illinois Archaeology 5:158–166.
Beeson, William J.
1957 A Preliminary Report on Work of the Archaeological Highway Salvage Program in Illinois. Illinois Highway Engineer 9(3):2–4. (Luthy site near Peoria-first IL DOT highway salvage operation)
1960 The Luthy Site--An Archaeological Mystery. IAS Bulletin 2:108–111. ("Indian Mounds and Villages in Illinois" - ed. Claire A. Bluhm)
Batura, James M.
1982 Limited Archaeological Investigations at the Oquawka Site, (11-HE-182), Henderson County, Illinois. Center for American Archeology, Kampsville.
Benchley, Elizabeth, Harold Hassen, and William Billeck
1979 Final Report of Archaeological Investigations at the Sloan Site (11-Mc-86), FAS Project 1210, Mercer County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Berres, Thomas E.
1983 Archaeological Investigations at the Curtis Site (11-He-40) and the 11-He-187 Site, Henderson County, Illinois. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Cartwright, Marilyn and Mark A. McConaughy
1980 Phase II Excavations at the Feuchter Site as Part of the FAP-405 Corridor Project Between Mossville and Peoria, Illinois. Illinois Sate Museum, Springfield.
Conrad, Lawrence A.
1981 An Introduction to the Archaeology of Upland West Central Illinois: A Preliminary Archaeological Survey of the Canton to Quincy Corridor for the Proposed FAP 407 Highway Project. Reports of Investigations 2, Archaeological Research Laboratory, Western Illinois University, Macomb.
1986 A Survey of the Prehistoric Archaeology of a 1000 Foot Wide Transect Between Good Hope and Monmouth, Illinois. Archaeological Research Laboratory, Western Illinois University, Macomb.
Conrad, Lawrence A., and Debi Jones
1976 Preliminary Report on Subsurface Testing of Four and Mitigation of Two Archaeological Sites Affected by FAP-404, Warren County, Illinois. Archaeological Research Laboratory, Western Illinois University, Macomb.
Dwyer, James P., and Thomas L. Burge
1978 Archaeological Investigations in the Cedar Creek Drainage, FAP 404, West Central Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Dwyer, James P., and Alan D. Harn
1978 An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed FAP-405 Corridor Between Mossville and Peoria, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
East, Thomas C., J. Stephen Alexandrowicz, Susan R. Alexandrowicz, Michael R.Beckes, R. Robinson, and Nick Kardulias
1980 Recent Archaeological Investigations at the Greater Peoria and Effingham County Airports. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Esarey, Mark E., and David C. Dycus
1984 Report of Phase I Archaeological, Architectural and Historical Investigations for the Franklin Street Bridge Project, Peoria and Tazewell Counties, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Fishel, Richard L.
2003 The Search for Senachwine’s Village. Illinois Antiquity 38(3):3–5.
2004 Investigations at the Duncan Site (11F163), a Bauer Branch Occupation above the Spoon River in Fulton County, Illinois. Illinois Transportation Research Report No. 97. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
2005 Recent Spanish Coin Discoveries in Illinois. Illinois Antiquity 40(4):3–8.
2006 The Steuben Point Re-Examined. Illinois Archaeology 18.
Fishel, Richard L., Rhett B. Felix, and James M. Pisell
2003 Executive Summary for IL Route 29 and IL Route 29 Addendum Phase I Archaeological Surveys in Peoria, Marshall, Putnam, and Bureau Counties, Illinois. Illinois Transportation Research Report No. 90. Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Foster, Jill
1984 Archaeological Investigations at the E. Kepler #2 Site (11-F-171), Fulton County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Goatley, Daniel B.
1998 Preliminary Phase I Archeological Survey of the Proposed US 34 Expansion Between Monmouth and Gulfport in Henderson and Warren Counties, Illinois. Report of Investigations 253, Center for American Archeology, Kampsville.
Hansen, Eric G., and David J. Nolan
1998 Was the Cochran 10 Site (11-Wa-140) a Theban Persistent Place of West Central Illinois? Illinois Archaeology 10:294–330.
Kerber, Richard, and Jane E. Buikstra
1984 Archaeological Test Excavation and Evaluation of the Gauwitz Mound Group, Peoria County, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
King, Frances B.
1993 Climate, Culture, and Oneota Subsistence in Central Illinois. In Foraging and Farming in the Eastern Woodlands, edited by C. Margaret Scarry, pp. 232–254. University of Florida Press, Gainesville.
Lauf, Erica L.
1982 Report of Archaeological Testing of the Peach Pit Site, 11-T-44, Tazewell County, FAU 6720. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Mansberger, Floyd R.
1981 Report of Historic Site Reconnaissance Survey for FAP 53, Macomb Internal Highway Corridor, McDonough County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Mazrim, Robert
2002 New Light on the Old French Village of Peoria: Archaeological Excavations at the "Old Village" Locale in Peoria, Illinois. Fieldwork and Technical Reports Bulletin Number 3. Sangamo Archaeological Center. Elkhart, Illinois.
2003 The Hinsey Site in Tazewell County. Fieldwork and Technical Reports Bulletin Number 5, Sangamo Archaeological Center. Elkhart, Illinois. Submitted to Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
2003 Settling in Potowatomi Country: Archaeological Testing at the Taliaferro Site in Putnam County, Illinois. Fieldwork and Technical Reports Bulletin Number 6. Sangamo Archaeological Center. Elkhart, Illinois. Submitted to Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
2004 The Black Top Ridge Site: Excavations at a Depression-Era Farmstead (circa 1836–46) in Mercer County, Illinois. Fieldwork and Technical Reports Bulletin Number 8. Sangamo Archaeological Center. Elkhart, Illinois. Submitted to Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
McConaughy, Mark A.
1988 A New Variety of Weaver Ware from the Central Illinois River Valley. Wisconsin Archeologist 69(3):189–198.
1991 The Rench Late Late Woodland/Mississippian Farming Hamlet from the Central Illinois River Valley: Food for Thought. In, New Perspectives on Cahokia: Views from the Periphery, edited by James B. Stoltman, pp.101–128. Monographs in World Archaeology 2, Prehistory Press, Madison.
1993 Rench: A Stratified Site in the Central Illinois River Valley. Reports of Investigations 49, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
McConaughy, Mark A., Claude A. Jackson, and Frances B. King
1985 Two Early Mississippian Period Structures from the Rench Site (11P4), Peoria County, Illinois. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 10:171–193.
McGimsey, Charles R.
1986 Report of Archaeological Phase II Investigations at 11-P-296, Peoria County, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
1987 Archaeological Reconnaissance and Testing at Sites 11-F-2713 and 11-F-25, Liverpool Levee Project, Fulton County, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
1988 The Haw Creek Site (11-Kx-3), Knox County, Illinois—A Middle Woodland Occupation in the Upper Spoon River Valley. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Meinkoth, Michael C.
1993 Middle Mississippian Households in the Central Illinois River Valley: Examples from the Tree Row and Baker-Peston Sites. Illinois Archaeology 5:315–330.
1995 The Sister's Creeks Site Mounds: Middle Woodland Mortuary Practices in the Illinois River Valley. Transportation Archaeological Research Reports 2, Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Milner, George R.
1992 Morbidity, Mortality, and the Adaptive Success of an Oneota Population from West-Central Illinois. In Late Prehistoric Agriculture, edited by William I. Woods, pp. 136–166. Studies in Illinois Archaeology 8, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield.
Milner, George R., Eve Hargrave, and Virginia G. Smith
1991 Warfare in Late Prehistoric West Central Illinois. American Antiquity 56:581–603.
Milner, George R., Virginia G. Smith, and Eve Anderson
1991 Conflict, Mortality, and Community Health in a Illinois Oneota Population. In Between Bands and States, edited by Susan A. Gregg, pp. 245–264. Occasional Paper 9, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
Moore, Kurt R.
1983 The Archaeology of Cedar Creek: Final Report of Investigations in the FAP-404 Corridor, Knox and Warren Counties, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Moore, Kurt R., and Thomas L. Burge
1981 Interim Report of Archaeological Investigations in the FAP-404 Corridor, Knox and Warren Counties, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Nolan, David J.
1991 Final Report of Phase II Testing on the FAP 53 (US 136) Project: Archaic and Weaver Occupations in the Confluence Area of the LaMoine River. Reports of Investigations 24, Archaeological Research Laboratory, Western Illinois University, Macomb.
Nolan, David. J., and Richard L. Fishel
2007 A Review of Archaic Cultural Variation and Life Ways in West Central Illinois. In Archaic Societies of the Midcontinent, edited by Thomas E. Emerson, Dale L. McElrath, and Andrew C. Fortier. University of Nebraska, Lincoln. In press.
Nolan, David J., Kyle Ullman, and Julieann VanNest
1997 Preliminary Archeological Overview Study of the Macomb Bypass Alternates in McDonough County, Illinois. Report of Investigations 241, Center for American Archeology, Kampsville.
O’Gorman, Jodie
1999 Banner to Kingston Mines: Phase I Archeological Survey along U.S. 24 in Fulton and Peoria Counties, Illinois. Report of Investigations 255, Center for American Archeology, Kampsville.
Peterson, James M.
1981 Report of Archaeological Reconnaissance and Test Excavations for Illinois Department of Transportation Project, BR-S-452(106), Bernadotte, Fulton County, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Phillippe, Joseph S.
1984 Report of Archaeological Investigations of the Town of Bridgeport (11-Kx-175), in Highway TR 341, Borrow Area #2, Knox County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Phillippe, Joseph S., and Floyd R. Mansberger
1983 Report of Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Historic Component of the Curtis Site (11-He-40) on Illinois Route 40 Borrow Sites, Henderson County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Robinson, Gary G.
1985 A Phase I Survey of the Button Blank Site, Illinois Route 96, Henderson County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Rosenbaum, Barbara L.
1978 Additional Archaeological Resource Investigation of Proposed Improvements of Illinois Route 116, London Mills Bridge, Fulton County, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Santure, Sharron K.
1987 Archaeological Investigations at the Julius Block Site (11-Kx-45) and the Pied Piper Site (11-Kx-178), Knox County, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Santure, Sharron K., Alan D. Harn, and Duane Esarey
1990 Archaeological Investigations at the Morton Village and Norris Farms 36 Cemetery. Reports of Investigations 45, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Simon, Mary L.
1983 Archaeological Investigations at the East Fork Site (11-Md-829), McDonough County, Illinois. Research Reports 22, Research Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
1984 Archaeological Investigations at the Baptist Creek site (11-Md-815), McDonough County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Smith, Charles R., Ronald Deiss, and William D. Walters
1981 Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance and Historical Investigation of the FAP 406 Highway Corridor, Tazewell and Logan Counties, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Studenmund, Sarah J.
1993 US 24, Fulton and Schuyler Counties: Phase I Cultural Resource Investigations. Report of Investigations 215, Center for American Archeology, Kampsville.
Wiant, Michael D.
1973 Report on Preliminary Site Examination Undertaken at the George Sheifley Site (Ha-16) on SBI 9, Hancock County, Illinois. Department of Sociology/Anthropology, Illinois State University, Normal.
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