IDOT Archaeological Bibliography
District 2
COUNTIES: Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Winnebago, Boone, Carroll, Ogle, DeKalb. Whiteside, Lee, Rock Island, Bureau
Abbot, Larry R.
1987 Archaeological Investigations at the Kewanee Site (11-Hy-126) Henry County, Illinois. Resource Investigation Program, Research Reports 27. University of Illinois, Urbana.
Anderson, James
1963 Preliminary Report on Site Examination Undertaken at Site Jd-83 on SBI 5, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois.
Bareis, Charles J.
1961 Preliminary Report of Phase 2 Excavations at the Greene Site, Hy-17, on FAI 80 in Henry County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Barr, Kenneth A.
1986 Archaeological Investigations at the Sale Barn Site (11-Hy-125), Henry County, Illinois. Research Investigation Program, Research Reports 24. University of Illinois, Urbana.
Barr, Keith L., and Edward T. Safiran
1984 Historical Archaeological Investigations at the Rock Cut School Site (11-Wo-261), Winnebago County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Berres, Thomas
1982 A Report of Survey and Subsurface Testing of a Small Prehistoric Campsite (11-Sh-34) in the Proposed TR 148 Corridor, 1982. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
1998 Oneota Cultural Interaction in the Prairie Peninsula: A Study of Ceramic Vessels and Faunal Exploitation in Northern Illinois. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
1999 Pipestone Artifacts from the Freeby Site: Changing Our Perspectives on Hopewell Trade. Illinois Antiquity 34(3):4–7.
Birmingham, Nancy R., and Michael F. Kolb
1986 Archaeological Investigations at the Duck's Misery Site (11-Sh-31)Stephenson County, Illinois. Archaeological Research Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Bluhm, Elaine A.
1960 Report of Phase 2 Excavations on FAI Route 74, Rock Island County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Buikstra, Jane E.
1979 A Report for Initial Testing of Jd-111: An Endangered Mortuary Site in Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Report of Investigations 68, Center for American Archeology, Kampsville.
Colburn, Mona L.
1989 Mississippian Faunal Remains from the Lundy Site (11-Jd-140), JoDaviess County, Illinois. Illinois Archaeology 1:5–38.
Dirkmaat, Dennis C., Robert Robinson, and Mary Lou Vanzin
1979 Archaeological Reconnaissance Report for Proposed FA Route 171 at Belvidere. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Edging, Richard, Norman Meinholz, and Thomas Berres
1982 Preliminary Report of a Controlled Surface Collection and ExploratoryTesting at the Apple River Site, 11-Jd-140, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Emerson, Thomas E.
1991 The Apple River Mississippian Culture of Northwestern Illinois. In Cahokia and the Hinterlands: Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Midwest, edited by T.E. Emerson and R.B. Lewis, pp. 164–182. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.
1999 The Keeshin Farm Site and the Rock River Langford Tradition in Northern Illinois. Transportation Archaeological Research Reports 7, Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
1999 The Langford Tradition and the Process of Tribalization on the Middle Mississippian Borders. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 24:3–56.
Emerson, Thomas E., and Anne R. Titelbaum
2000 The Des Plaines Complex and the Late Woodland Stage in Northern Illinois. In Late Woodland Societies: Tradition and Transformation Across the Midcontinent, edited by T.E. Emerson, D.L. McElrath, and A.C. Fortier, pp. 413–428. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
Ernest, David M.
1998 The Shumway Homesite: A Nineteenth Century Residence Type in North-Central Illinois. Research Reports 54, Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Esarey, Mark E., and David L. Carlson
1983 Archaeological Reconnaissance and Testing at the Thomson Causeway Site, 11-CA-11, in Carroll County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Esarey, Mark E., Joseph S. Phillippe, and David L. Carlson
1982 Report of Archaeological Excavation of the Camaro Mounds Site, 11-Jd-111, in Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Wisconsin Archaeologist 63:255–339.
Esarey, Mark E., and William D. Walters
1981 Report of Historic Site Reconnaissance Survey for Project FA 734, Illinois Route 2 in Winnebago County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Evans, J. Bryant, and Kevin T. Womac
1998 The Christianson Site (11-RI-42): A Paleoindian Occupation in the Lower Rock River Valley, Illinois. Illinois Archaeology 10:331-355.
Fishel, Richard L. and K. Shane Vanderford
2006 Titterington Horizon Occupations in Northwest Illinois. Illinois Archaeology 18:51–75.
Farnsworth, Kenneth B., Randall E. Hughes, Duane M. Moore, and Thomas Berres
2000 Illinois Platform Pipes and Hopewellian Exchange: A Mineralogical Study of Archaeological Remains. In Studies in Illinois Archaeology in Honor of Howard D. Winters, edited by A. M. Cantwell and L. A. Conrad. Scientific Papers 29, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Fortier, Andrew C.
2006 Archaic and Late Woodland Occupations at the Rock-Kishwaukee River Confluence in Northern Illinois. Illinois Archaeology 18:76–99.
Gerlach, Jonathan A.
1980 An Archaeological Phase I Reconnaissance Along the Proposed FAP 401Highway Corridor, Stephenson County, Illinois. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Gray, Jean
1995 The Proof is in the Pipestone. The Nature of Illinois 3:4–5.
Hackbarth, Mark, and Harold Hassen
1982 Archeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Runway 27 Extension and Taxiway Project, Quad Cities Airport, Rock Island County, Illinois. Contract Archeology Program, Center for American Archeology, Kampsville.
Hughes, R.E., T.E. Berres, D.M. Moore, and K.B. Farnsworth
1998 Revision of Hopewellian Trading Patterns in Midwestern North America Based on Mineralogical Sourcing. Geoarchaeology 13:709–729.
Jelks, Edward B.
1982 Report of Historic Site Reconnaissance Survey for FAU Route 5034, Harlem Road, Winnebago County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Jensen, Harald P.
1961 Preliminary Reports of Phase 2 Excavations at Sites Bu-19 and Bu-22 on FAI 80, Bureau County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Kaufmann, K. E.
1996 The Paleoindian and Archaic Components at the Shaw Site (11-Og-188) in Ogle County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb.
Kreisa, Paul P., and Jacqueline M. McDowell
1995 An Interim Report on Archaeological Investigations Along the FAP 301 /U.S. Route 20 Corridor, Jo Daviess and Stephenson Counties, Illinois. Research Report 20, Public Archaeology Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Lippincott, Kerry A.
1961 Preliminary Report of Phase 2 Excavation at Site Ri-88 on FAI 280. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Mansberger, Floyd R.
1982 Report of Historic Site Reconnaissance Survey for FAI 171, Boone County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
1983 Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance and Historical Investigation of the FAP 401 Highway Corridor, Stephenson County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
1984 Report of the Galena-US Route 20 Bridge Replacement Archaeological Study, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
1986 Report of Archaeological Testing for FA 505 (IL Route 75), Pecatonica Bridge, Harrisonville, Winnebago County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
1994 Nineteenth-Century Redware Production in Northwestern Illinois: Archaeological Investigations at the Elizabeth Pottery Site, JoDaviess County, Illinois. Fever River Research, Springfield.
Mansberger, Floyd R., and David J. Halpin
1991 An Architectural Assessment of the FAP 525 (US 20) Highway Corridor, Boone County, Illinois. Fever River Research, Springfield.
Mansberger, Floyd , David Halpin, and Tracey Sculle
1992 A Blacksmith Shop and Potential Stagecoach Station Along the Northern Illinois Frontier: Archaeological Investigations at Waddams Grove, Stephenson County, Illinois. Fever River Research, Springfield.
Mazrim, Robert
1998 Lead Diggings and More New Farms: Lead Mining and the American Settlement of Northwestern Illinois, in Association with the FAP 301 Highway 20 Survey Corridor, Jo Daviess and Stephenson Counties. Sangamo Research Services Technical Report # 15. Submitted to Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
2005 Antebellum Industrial: Excavations at the Perkins Mill / Rockyford Community in Lee County. In More from the Illinois Frontier: Archaeological Studies of Nine Early 19th Century Sites in Rural Illinois, circa 1810-1845, by Robert Mazrim. Submitted to Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.
2005 Historical Context and Overview of Results of Phase 2 Testing at the Rockyford/Shelburn Locale in Lee County, Illinois, with Proposed Research Themes for Additional Phase 2 and Phase 3 Excavations. Submitted to Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
McDowell, Jacqueline M., Paul P. Kreisa, and Kevin P. McGowan
1994 Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Realignment of FAP 301(U.S. 20) in JoDaviess and Stephenson Counties, Illinois. Public Service Archaeology Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
McGimsey, Charles R.
1983 The Vernon Julius Site (11-Sh-34): A Small , Multicomponent, LimitedActivity Site in Stephenson County, Illinois. Report of Investigations 125, Center for American Archeology, Kampsville.
McGregor, John
1963 Preliminary Report of Phase 3 Excavations at IAS Site Jd-83 on SBIRoute 5. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Mehrer, Mark W.
1996 The Late Woodland Community at the Shaw Site (11-Og-188) in Ogle County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb.
Mehrer, Mark W., Christine M. Crabtree, Brant J. Vollman, and Krista E. Kaufmann
1996 The Historical Component at the Shaw Site (11-Og-188) in Ogle County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb.
Meinholz, Norman M.
1984 Archaeological Investigations at the Aiken Bridge Site (11-Jd-175) and the Shingles Site (11-Jd-163), JoDaviess County, Illinois. Research Report 13, Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
1986 Archaeological Investigations at Four Sites Along the Great River Road, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Research Report 23, Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Moffat, Charles R., and Thomas Berres
1981 A Report of Survey and Subsurface Testing of a Small PrehistoricCampsite, 11-Sh-34, in the Proposed TR 148 Corridor. Resource Investigation Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Neller, Earl, and Andrew C. Fortier
1999 The FAP 301/US 20 Project: Summary Report on Phase I Archaeological Investigations in Stephenson and JoDaviess Counties, Illinois. Research Reports 63, Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
O’Brien, Patricia J.
1963 Preliminary Report of Phase 2 Excavation at Site Hy-47 on FAI 80. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Phillippe, Joseph S.
1988 Farmstead Ceramics and Social Status in the 19th Century: The Drake Site, Stephenson County, Illinois. Ohio Valley Archaeology 6:90–96.
1990 The Drake Site: Subsistence and Status at a Rural Illinois Farmstead. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Robinson, Gary G.
1985 A Phase I Archaeological survey of Illinois Route 29, Bureau Junction Bridge, Bureau County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Schroeder, Marjorie B.
1989 Lundy Site Archaeobotany. Technical Report 89-365-23,Quaternary Studies Program, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Stark, James G., Michele T. Patin, Michael F. Kolb, and Elizabeth D. Benchley
1986 Final Report on Site Evaluation Studies at the Cornwar Site (11-Sh-32),Stephenson County, Illinois. Archaeological Research Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Thomas, Frederick S.
1986 The Bower Site, Stephenson County, Illinois. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Titelbaum, Anne R.
1999 The Rock River Sites: Late Woodland Occupation Along the Middle Rock River. Transportation Archaeological Research Reports 4, Illinois Transportation Archaeological Research Program, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Walthall, John A.
1981 Galena and Aboriginal Trade in Eastern North America. Scientific Papers 17, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Westover, Allan R.
1984 Report of Archaeological Testing of the Irish Hollow (11-Jd-171) and theTrousdale Station Site (11-Jd-174), Project P-92-081-79, Jo DaviessCounty. Midwest Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Wolforth, Thomas R., Mary Simon, and Paul Kreisa
2000 Early Late Woodland Resource Exploitation Strategies as Seen from the Formal Garden Site, Rock Island, Illinois. Illinois Archaeology 12.
Wolforth, Thomas R., B.J. Vollman, and M. G. Taylor
1996 The Early and Middle Woodland Components at the Shaw Site (11-Og-188) in Ogle County, Illinois. Department of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb.
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